Greetings Minister’s Letter October 2015


Today, as I write my first letter to you it is also the day when Doctor Who returns to the television. For many, this may pass you by, but for me, and for many fans, I wait eagerly – wondering and hoping in what direction the new series will travel in? How the ‘relatively’ new doctor will continue to develop and deepen in character? And, what weird and wonderful episodes will become embedded into tradition.


Now, don’t worry I’m not here to just bore you with Doctor Who; however I can’t help but feel that there are parallels with this new series and my own appointment here in the Tadcaster Circuit.


As a fan of Doctor who there is always a balance of excitement as well as fear: excitement for what adventure the Doctor will go on next, but fear of what things some fans may hold dear that will have to change. In the same way as the new minister, there may be fears and excitement too, in these first few months of ministry I intend to do a lot of listening: so please talk to me, share with me your fears as well as excitement; and whilst I can’t promise not to challenge or change things, I intend to walk with you on this new chapter, to laugh and cry with you and to seek God’s voice in all that we do.


Whilst we all adjust to this recent ministerial change Hebrews 13:8 reminds us that Jesus stays the same yesterday, today and forever.


To help you get to know me more, he’s a little bit more about me:

I’m a fan of Doctor Who,                            I’m 6ft 2’

When practical I wear flip-flops                  I make online videos

I play the guitar                                              I like drawing/painting

I am into audio/visual equipment                  I’m on social media


I have a couple of websites:


Finally, I would just like to echo again our thanks for helping Becki, myself and Reuben settle into our new chapter here in Tadcaster.